Burgos. Repetidores y mesa de pruebas.


Despite the difficulties, the CTNE adopted measures to support its workers and their families: bonuses, subsidies and insurance to alleviate the hard times of the post-war period.

The company protects people in the difficult post-war period


In the midst of the post-war period in Spain and with Europe battered by the Second World War, the situation of social and financial crisis was widespread. The CTNE, in its desire to protect its most important asset, its people, continued as in previous years to pay four quarterly bonuses to its staff to cover the cost of living, to which in 1943 it added an extra bonus equivalent to half a month's salary. To this must be added the payment of family and old-age benefits, maternity insurance and union dues.

Empleada Telefónica

A relationship of trust that translates into numbers


Following the board's approval of a capital increase of 400,000 pesetas (about 2,500 euros) in ordinary shares, the company's finances are beginning to stabilise and it can start to meet its investment needs in networks and telephone exchanges. Thus, a new underground cable route to Andalusia begins, starting with the section between Madrid and Pinto. Relations between the company and its subscribers for services rendered continue to be satisfactory, improving in all aspects, and the collection for services rendered reached the best results in the company's history, amounting to almost 194 million pesetas (more than 32 million euros).

Cable interurbano Madrid Pinto. Apertura de zanja con arado

Directories grow and improve


From the beginning of the CTNE there was the so-called Lista de Abonados al Teléfono, that is, the telephone directory, which began to be known as such in the mid 1930s. As the number of subscribers increased, these directories were adapted in size and format, and were distributed in each province to facilitate the consultation of telephone numbers. At first they were smaller, about the size of a sheet of paper. It was in 1943 when the regular edition of these telephone directories was standardised, changing to the size of a sheet, improving their format and achieving greater accuracy in the data collected.

Cartel servicio telefónico interurbano


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